Digital Photography
IGL operates a full-service photography lab experienced at providing visible and ultraviolet (UV) imaging for both print and digital photography.
Our facilities are fully equipped with equipment customized for the display of images captured from soils, unconsolidated sediments and rock cores. Extreme care is taken to color match the actual core with digital images and prints. With over thirty years of experience creating accurate visual records of subsurface materials, IGL continues to improve the methodology. Our technical capability is demonstrated by our development of a new procedure where ultraviolet light photographs are color corrected to allow a clear distinction between hydrocarbon zones and clay laminations.
Digital Core Photography is used for:
- Index properties and field log correlation
- Site cross section correlation
- Monitoring well installation
- Litigation support
- Future drilling investigations
- Regulatory agency requirements
- Ease of study
- Permanent recordsROST (LIF) Correlation
Cores are handled cryogenically and cut open (slabbed) on IGL designed and built equipment. Frozen core is cut open using a horizontal band saw with a diamond-segmented blade. After cutting the slabbed core is cleaned and prepared for photography. Cores are typically slabbed into ¼-¾ sections providing enough bulk rock for lithologic description and plenty of material for the analytical work.

Digital Imaging
Digital Imaging and Archiving are designed to protect some of the most important assets of a company - its engineering data and photographic records. Digital images can be provided in multiple formats including web site ready files, CDs, and cross-platform formats (PC, Mac and UNIX). The images are provided in multiple resolutions and continuous strip format where applicable.
IGL can also convert your existing core photos to digital images, allowing electronic storage and distribution of data. Digital images offer a permanent record using compact disk (CD or DVD) format. We can also provide secure long-term storage capability for all of your photographic records, engineering data and reports as well as provide a database inventory for easy recall and use of information.
IGL provides the following photographic services:
- White Light (visible light) Photography
- Ultraviolet Photography (shows hydrocarbon fluorescence)
- Full-Scale (8 x 10) Prints
- Core Photo Log™
- Digital Photography
- Multiple Resolutions
- CD’s and DVD’s are compatible with any Web Browser
- Available for PC, Mac, Unix
- Web Site Ready
- Core Image Storage
- Permanent Photographic Image Archive
- In-House Printing of hard copies for Quick Turnaround
For advanced core analysis, the larger the core diameter, the more test options are available for a comprehensive test program. However, most risk-based parameters can be measured on 2" diameter by 6" long core or sleeves. IGL can work with core diameters 1” diameter or less in most instances. Site waters should be sampled in glass or plastic containers. NAPL should be sampled in glass or steel containers with no preservatives.
Print Photography
Core photographs (Core Photo Logs™) provide some of the most important engineering and geologic data generated from a subsurface investigation. The images obtained are high-detail engineering documents that provide ease of study and a permanent defensible record of the subsurface. Photographic data can be placed in reports along with tabular data. IGL can also provide a record of your core photographs as digital images in a Core Image Archive delivered on a CD-ROM for wider distribution or placement on your corporate intranet. Prints are provided in “full-scale” 8 x 10 format.