Reservoir Characterization
Need intro text here.
Geological and Geophysical Services
- Regional Studies
- Sedimentology
- Static Geological Modeling
Petrophysical Modeling
Environmental corrections for borehole fluid, hole size and invasion effects
Log calibration, editing, splicing and depth matching
Log Normalization
Porosity and Saturation Determination
Net sand definition
Fluid contact determination
Facies Modeling
Permeability Modeling Permeability determination
Synthetic Logs—ΔTS, Rock Strength, etc.
Repair Damaged Logs
Production Engineering
Well Intervention Evaluation
Formation Damage Control and Stimulation
Drilling and Completions Fluids Design
Reservoir Engineering and Simulation
Dynamic Reservoir Characterization
Economic Evaluations and Risk Analysis
Reservoir Simulation (Black Oil and Compositional)
Volumetric Calculation and Reserve Estimation
Technical Training
Reservoir Description – Integration of Core and Log Data
Formation Damage and Stimulation Assessment
Risk Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Sensitivity/Completion Fluids Testing
Improved Recovery Tests
Thermal Recovery - Field Monitoring
Hot Water Drive End Point
Steam Flood Endpoint
Oil Fingerprinting Services Chromatography (FSCOT Method)
Wettability Testing
Knowledge of the wettability of a reservoir rock is a key factor for determining oil recovery mechanisms and making estimates of recovery efficiency. IGL offers industry-standard Amott and Modified USBM wettability tests, including the USBM test at elevated temperatures. For samples that have been subjected to weathering, IGL offers sample restoration in crude oil at reservoir temperature.
Pore Volume Compressibility
Hydrostatic pore volume compressibility testing is a routine offering for 1-in., 1.5-in. and 2-in. diameter samples and pressures up to 10,000 psi. Cyclic compression and decompression tests, as well as failure point determination tests, are also available. IGL has in-house capabilities to perform uniaxial or triaxial stress testing. Advanced geomechanical determinations are also available (see Geomechanical Studies).